How do we feed the city?

Interview: Anna Paola Quaglia

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Anna Paola Quaglia, researcher in residence @ AERES University

How are you connected to the Flevo Campus?
I am a Researcher in Residence (RiR) at AERES University of Applied Sciences. Within this program, I am currently collaborating with Prof. Sigrid Wertheim-Heck. Over the past year, I have been working on food surplus recovery and redistribution to social ends practices from a geographical perspective, conducting empirical research in Turin together with other colleagues. I am actively involved in an interdisciplinary research group and project called “Atlante del Cibo di Torino Città Metropolitana” (in English: “Food Atlas of Turin Metropolitan City”), focusing on territorial analyses of the local urban food system. Currently and within the RiR program, I am engaging in food justice in food assistance landscapes.

In ten years from now, what will be changed significantly within your field of work?
It is very difficult to engage with scenario planning in contemporary times and without holding a specific geographical focus. Yet it is likely that dietary habits will importantly change in the next years, both in the Global North and South, for a number of interrelated reasons – from ecological (e.g. sustainability concerns) to cultural ones (e.g. migration).

Almere is the home base of Flevo Campus. What is your favourite spot in Almere and why?
I do not have a favourite spot, yet I do enjoy very much walking around the extraordinary amount of green areas scattered around and in the city, offering different grasps on life in Almere.
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