Talkshow: We Make The City Green
We Make The City Green is een twee uur durende talkshow met diverse live-verbindingen naar Almere. Verder wordt er met lokale betrokkenen en partijen uit de Metropoolregio Amsterdam duiding gegeven aan de intenties voor en verwachtingen van de wereldtuinbouwtentoonstelling. Hoe maken we samen de groen stad van de toekomst?

More Events
Online Q&A about Food Pioneers Program 2025
The 7th edition of the Food Pioneers Programme is set to kick off in April. Have you been considering signing up, but have some questions you would like to ask? Join the webinar and Q&A session on Tuesday 18 March!
Pitch event Food Pioneers #7
Closing event of the seventh edition of our Food Pioneers Program. Come and meet the Pioneers and watch them pitch their product or business to an expert panel. Their products will be on display, so lots of tasting to be done!
Natural Pavilion
Arboretum West
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