How do we feed the city?

Floriade Dialogues Summit – Talks of the Town

Wat gebeurt er wereldwijd op het gebied van groene en gezonde voedselsteden? In het middagprogramma van de  Floriade Dialogues Summit serveren we je de Talks of the Town en de in-depth sessions met veel inspirerende cases uit diverse landen, van Zimbabwe en Detroit tot Almere! Hieronder vind je meer informatie over de talks en sessies. Benieuwd naar het ochtendprogramma en de keynotes? Dat vind je hier. Het hele programma is gratis toegankelijk. Floriade Dialogues Summit Datum: 28 maart 2019, 09.00 – 18.00 uur Locatie: KAF, Almere Taal: Engels Registratie: Gratis  
New York City – freddie-marriage-40227-unsplash

Eunsook Moon

Seoul (South Korea)
Eunsook Moon

Dr. Eunsook Moon is part of the Seoul Food Citizen Council and gives advice on food policies. An important task, since Seoul has 10 million mouths to feed. She will tell us how the eco public plate can make a direct connection between urban and rural areas.

Trinidad and Tobago
with Alpha Sennon

Alpha Sennon, founder of WhyFarm, has a personal mission to engage youth in agriculture by using the power of imagination: forget Superman, meet AGRIman!
Moderatie: Joszi Smeets

Harare (Zimbabwe)
with Chido Govera

Chido Govera is a social entrepeneur and activist, she travels the world to help hundreds of people change their lives by teaching them how to cultivate mushrooms.


Detroit (USA)
with Devita Davison

Fearless farmer Devita Davison explains how features of Detroit’s decay actually make it an ideal spot for urban agriculture.
Moderatie: Marieke Creemers


Amsterdam (NL)
with Jaap Seidell

Researcher Jaap Seidell will take you back to school. What is the effect of school lunches for a healthy and green city?

Oosterwold (NL)
with Jan Eelco Jansma & Werner Brouwer

Researcher Jan Eelco Jansma and area director Werner Brouwer will take you to Oosterwold. A new area near Almere where people build their own houses in connection to both food production and nature conservation.

Turin (IT)
Egidio Dansero

Professor Egidio Dansero will explain how food is a field of political action. From the importance of social actors to alternative food networks.

New York City (USA)
Nevin Cohen

Professor Nevin Cohen will tell you about the study of health, and social impacts of agriculture on New York City and the effects of city policies on urban food production.


Floriade Dialogues Summit

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